September Update.
It has been a busy month, the annual servicing on Strikemaster 62 has been completed and the annual on CAG is almost done. Both of these have been carried out in the back of the New Zealand Warbirds main hangar which has added a dynamic element to what has largely been a storage shed. We have had alot of positive comments on this and there have certainly been a large amount of photos taken, people have been fasinated seeing the aircraft with their clothes off.
Also arriving in the hangar last week was P40E 41-13570 which has come in from the USA, this project will be rebuilt to fly with a rear seat and dual controls.
Photos have been added to the current maintanence and P40 project.
Strikemaster 62.
The best laid plans!! We had intended to carry out the annual servicing on Strikemaster 72 in New Zealand Warbirds hangar starting early September. However 62 had the last say and last week decided to drop all of the fluid out of it’s LH main leg so in conjunction with sorting this problem the annual on 62 has also started. A different aircraft and a couple of weeks early but something dynamic happening in the Warbirds hangar for the next week or so in the Jet corner.
P40E S#41-13570.
The container is on it’s way, for those of you that are interested I have been sent a very interesting link by Mark Sheppard which covers the history of the aircraft in service and contains some great photos of it’s recovery.
Not all selfies are bad!!
This one however is, the cheesy grins say it all. After enduring temperatures in the high 30’s the container in Missouri is just on done. Congratulations to Steve and John for getting it done so rapidly and now you can have a couple of days to look for more good stuff to fill the gaps.
Project updates.
Both the Titan T51 and also the T28 Trojan have made great strides towards first flights.
The T51 has now had it’s cowlings and all fairings and doors completed and the conopy is now being finished. We are expecting it will move into the paintshop next week. paperwork has been submitted to CAA so things are getting close, look out for this neat little aircraft at a town near you this Summer.
The T28 is now domiciled in the New Zealand Warbirds #2 hangar and now only needs the engine side of the 100 hr annual and high power runs before CAA inspection.
Engine Runs.
A bit of a gloomy day here this morning for the Strikemasters x 2 engine runs. This is to keep the oil were it should be seeing they havent been flown for coming up to a month and will save having to prime the oil system next start, not the nicest job in the world.
Compare this to the bright sunshine for the T28 run on Saturday, bit warmer today though.
P40 Prop service.
After having its’ 5 yearly inspection carried out the Curtis Electric prop is now back on ZK-CAG.
Strikemaster Artwork
A big thanks to Brett Nicholls for the new artwork that is now hanging in our foyer, for those of you that want to see these 2 aircraft “in the flesh” don’t forget the New Zealand Warbird Open Day this Sunday.
More photos will be added to the website of the new projects as we get things sorted, keep your eyes open.
Projects arrive
The P39 and 2 Kingfishers have finally hit the tarmac at Ardmore, let the fun begin.