Some new photos added to the T51 project and will try to get some new Tempest ones up shortly when I can relearn the set up after the Christmas break. Staggerwing still to fly so hopefully the weather will stay fine for the photographers when it happens, shortly.
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Wishing you al belated seasons compliments . Back from the summer break and into it, work continues on all of our long-term projects, more on them later. The lovely Beech Staggerwing that arrived before Christmas is due for engine runs today and a flight tomorrow all things going to plan. Keep watching this space we have some exciting developments ahead...
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Look what arrived this morning, a new arrival to New Zealands vintage aircraft scene. It will be assembled here at Pioneer Aero and based at Ardmore.
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Just a quick one to say I have added more photos to the, Tempest, Bearhawk and Titan pages but the big news is that the C type has had a quantum leap forward. There are also more photos and detail added to the P40E project on the For Sale...
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Not the best of days weather wise but we thought it was about time we took a staff photo. Trevor is enjoying the assembly of the Titan T51 but the lure of a fine afternoon during the week proved too much of a drawcard. Maybe he should have stayed at...
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It has been a busy couple of weeks with a lot of visitors through the shop. Yesterday we received a consignment of items for the T51 including the engine (3.5 litre V6 ) prop and the larger undercarriage legs. Check out these photos on the T51 page. On the Tempest we are now pulling the entire forward section of the fuselage to pieces, once it has been...
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